Monday, September 01, 2014

Introducing Bella

My name is Bella and welcome to my new, bright blog Bella & Millou. Believe it or not in a time not too long ago, I was a corporate professional who wore uncomfortable shoes to work. Of course most beautiful shoes are not necessarily practical much less comfortable but I think they're made even more uncomfortable by the fact that you're wearing them somewhere you really don't want to be.

Well, when my feet and heart had had enough, I solemnly left a world I was not called to for my truth and began to pursue my passion for classical art.  It was challenging yet had an air of comfort but I'm sure you also know that sometimes man plans and God laughs.

In divine humour I was brought gently and squarely into my truest and dearest expression - music and here's where this blog began. You see, beauty moves me but not just beauty as we would call it today but beauty from days gone by. Beauty that was an expected component of art produced in the 17th-19th centuries. In my mind, the refinement and ideals of these eras are incomparable and this isn't to say that I don't find beauty in the art of our contemporary world, just that I feel more delighted to share what some might call history in a new, fresh contemporary way. Besides, I spend the greater part of my days immersed in such a world.

Whether it's the genius of Vermeer's use of colour, Beethoven's symphonies, the charm and  elegance of Swan Lake or the drama of Tosca, I was inspired to share it all and my journey as one who is part of the re-emergence of classical art in popular culture on this blog.

Thus, there will be music and dance and paintings, puppy mischief and fashion explorations because somehow they all come together in what is the landscape of my world and inspiration.

I'm so happy to have you come along.

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