Thursday, October 16, 2014

Moments Of Upside Down

Image via
There are moments of feeling upside down. I suppose everyone has them  - a pregnant pause behind the cusp of topsy-turvy. It's like a dance - pushing, pulling, stillness, movement, gestures for the sake of a bigger picture of beauty.

I've always loved the ballet. To me it is a moving world of make belief but more profoundly a powerfully expressive dedication to one's craft and art. Dancers are intrinsically athletes - the movement of their body is both sport and art. I think that's beautiful - that one would train to create a work of beauty.

There's something humbling about giving yourself over to your art so wholeheartedly that it becomes a personal devotion.  It's a kind of love story.

Moments of light and dark, ease and challenges, questions that bring you deeper into you art, walls that seem impossible to crumble.

And sometimes, when you least expect it there is immeasurable grace, a guiding hand that leads you into the beauty you aspired to create, a favour that turns the world right when it was before upside down.

Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Portrait By Juan Martinez

A few months ago I was invited to sit as portrait model for a summer workshop at the Academy Of Realist Art. ARA is one of the few ateliers worldwide dedicated to teaching Old Master Drawing and Painting technique, preserving the academic methodologies used by masters such as Bouguereau, Ingres and Rubens. 

The thing I like most about modelling for portrait studies is seeing myself through the eyes of each individual artist. No two portraits are ever the same. 

This portrait of me was painted by ARA instructor Juan Martinez. Juan has established himself as a prominent portrait and allegorical painter in the field and he has also received various awards from the Art Renewal Centre and The Portrait Society Of America for his work.

His portrayal captures my more pensive and introspective side while still staying true to my spirit and his style. You can learn more about Juan and his work on his website here.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Paris Fashion Week Highlights - Part 1?

I'm sure you're wondering about the question mark in my post title. Well that's because I'm almost half convinced that another post is set to follow a la my fashion highlights from NYFW. I suppose they aren't really highlights in the typical sense but my own dreamy soundtrack of fashion meets music.
Listen:: The Swan

By:: Joshua Bell
Haider Ackermann
 Chic masculinity juxtaposed by silky fabric and a feminine palette. I'm definitely one for feminine and all out girly pieces but I absolutely love this pairing by Haider Ackermann.

A dream, goddess inspired dress with octanic pastels - another beautiful juxtaposition. You can never have enough frills if you ask me.

 And the ultimate girly, boho-esque summer dress, This makes me think of relaxing in a velvet-cushioned teepee somewhere really exotic. . . .



  . . . and then getting even more dressed up for a night of dinner beneath the stars, the air filled with the scent of sweet fruit intermingled in jasmine and vanilla.