Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sitting for Portraits

Hello my FifiFurry loves and happy summer Monday to you. We've been a bit busy in our little realm with Bella working on her updated repertoire and my being the sweet and loyal companion I always am. It's an important job being darling cute and keeping my little human happy. This week Bella sat pretty for portraits at the atelier. ARA instructor and artist, Juan Martinez led an Alla Prima workshop - one of Bella's favourites. 

For those of you who are new to these classical musings, Alla Prima is a method of academic painting that has the artist working directly on canvas - more Sargent than Inges in its 'painterly-ness' but no less challenging for the artist. The photo above shows a demo sketch of Bella which was created before participants had a chance to practice their own sketches, which being half-day sketches weren't completed for me to post.

Speaking of sitting pretty, here are some portraits of Bella that were shown at the ARA annual spring show by Mary N. As you can see these are a more photographic style than that eschewed by the Alla Prima technique. Whatever the technique, it's always fun seeing Bella through other's eyes.


Friday, May 13, 2016

Dreamy Prokofiev

Hello FifiFurry lovers, it's Millou here! Bella and I had the busiest of weeks, filming videos and planning new costumes for the winter season. Of course I was content to watch Bella run variations for her repertoire and be a good pup by keeping her company although I was able to take a peak in this month's Vogue in between fouettés and adagios.

We delved into the work and music of Sergei Prokofiev, a Russian composer. Have you ever heard of him? He created some of the most dreamy and audibly intricate compositions for ballets such as Romeo & Juliet and Cinderella. 

Prima Ballerina Assoluta, Margot Fonteyn was pure enchantment in the role of Cinderella which is still produced by ballet houses the world over. 

I like to imagine myself as Cinderella with a dainty glass slipper -  a pup can dream can't she! Do you have a favourite composer? Do share.


Saturday, May 07, 2016

#FifiFurry Love Day

Happy #FifiFurryLove Day a.k.a. Saturday dear reader! Summer is soon around the bend and already I’m wagging my little tail with all sorts of thoughts of excitement. We love summer; it means lots of walks with Bella, more time to smell the roses, sandaled-feet for me to sniff and meeting new friends who want to snuggle and scratch my little head.

Being a #FifiFurryLove is a big job you know – it entails lots of important things like being readily available for tummy rubs, cheering your human up when they seem down and looking so adorably cute that you melt hearts. I just love it!

Because I’ve been ever so darling, Bella has decided to hand the keyboard over to me and so I’ll be your Fifi-Blogger/Editor-In-Chief from now on, which incidentally, tickles me so. While Bella blogs here, I’ll be posting about all things delicious in our world like beautiful music, paintings, dancing and my favourite . . . fashion.

Never forget, FiFi Furies have style and speaking of, we are tickled pink over the whimsy and romance of some of the beautiful outfits that graced the recent catwalks at fashion week. Here are some faves:

Alexander McQueen

What about you? Leave a note and until next time, #FifiFurryLove to you,

Sunday, May 01, 2016

It's May, Let's Play

It's seems that it's been quite awhile since we've been away. From moments of upside down to creating something new, Bella has found herself busy donning tutu's and satiny shoes - and me? I've been here, her ever faithful, sweet furry love - cuddling for snuggles and bringing laughter to her days.

After a whirlwind of travel, we're back! With lots of new adventures to share and enchanting things to see. Bella dances everyday now and that means I have some time to spend with new furry friends alike. She'll still be curating her classical loves and adventures for you to see but for now . . . it's May, let's play and delight in all the good that's mean to be.