Friday, September 19, 2014

Tiny Treasures & Fall

What a brisk week it was, filled with early mornings with slow sunrises, bright sparkling rays of sunlight and clear skies. Truth be told I like the juxtaposition of summer turning into fall.

My favourite trees going from green to emerald shades of orange and yellow, and little forest-like creatures that pop across my path on evening walks. These are life's tiny treasures as I like to call them. Seemingly small things that swell my heart with joy and feed my soul with the fullness of beauty and blessings all around me.

I met this brown bunny the other day while bustling along from home to my favourite coffee shop where I ordered a pumpkin treat as mentioned here . . .  pumpkin treats are also another tiny treasure especially for fall.

So anyway Mr. Brown Bunny - typically one of four decided to humour me long enough for a photo and so I snapped him in various scenes of repose because that's what blogger do. Our nifty camera phones are never too far away, always poised for that snippet of daily life ready to be shared on our online spaces.

I wryly smile to myself as I write this post because taking this picture of Mr. Brown Bunny (and I should mention that we've crossed paths before only he cleverly dodged my former photographic attempts) reminded me that when we sometimes least expect it, one seemingly tiny thing in our lives can stand still, can emerge long enough for us to embrace it and receive the blessings and miracles therein.

An inspiring thought for a happy weekend I think! See you Monday.


  1. This is such a nice post!
    Antonella :)

    1. Thanks Antonella! I relish these cozy months before winter.

      XO Bella


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